So in the last 2 days, I've been thinking about planning a routine for my everyday life.
One of my biggest problems since forever has been working out. I don't like sports and having an active lifestyle has been a challenge. However, I think I might have just had a massive light bulb over my head!
So, I was thinking: "I usually suck at achieving long term goals. I tend to forget about them, or become discouraged, since I find it too hard to reach and I'm too lazy to do the work."
And that's when it hit me. "Set short term goals instead! Duh!" I have to admit I was inspired by Just Dance 3, the Wii game. They have a 7-day challenge section where you have to earn a certain number of Sweat Points per day, in a week, and I've started doing that yesterday.
I realized that psychologically, this is so much more motivating for me than setting long term goals.
It kinda reminds me of the saying "Live day by day." Basically, the more you focus on the present, the more you'll make out of it. So to me, setting goals for the year is unrealistic because I have to think of all the days I will have to work towards my goals. However, my idea of setting a weekly goal seems so much more easy to do, especially if you want to shift your lifestyle. You only have to worry about the 7 following days, not 365!
So I'm starting by taking baby steps. My goal for this week is to finish my Just Dance 7-day challenge successfully. I know I can earn all my points easily, the challenge is to actually take the time to do it each day. I also have another goal which is unfortunately not very specific: eat more fruits and veggies.
I think that the more specific your goals are, the more you will be able to achieve them. I should be deciding on a certain number or a certain category instead of being general, but for this week, I'll see what I can do with this general goal.
My plan is to continue shifting my lifestyle in this way: one week at a time, a different goal each week. After time, some things will start becoming part of my routine without me noticing, so hopefully, by next year, I can say that I've become healthier.
And yes, I will try to make a weekly blog post stating what my goal for the next week is, and how the previous week went. Can't wait to see where this takes me, and your support is greatly appreciated!
xox :)
Je t'ai taguée :)
xoxo Josianne